This week Steve and I have had the pleasure to speak with some Rockford area teachers about their thoughts and feelings about the school shooting that took place in Parkland, Florida.

One of the questions we asked was how the kids were feeling, had any of them expressed their concerns about what took place and what could be done to make them feel safe in their care for eight hours a day.

The response was amazing. Parents, your children's teachers want you to know that the minute they step into the classroom, they they're treated with the best love, care and respect; as if they were their very own; and safety is their number one priority.

What we didn't think to ask was what were students doing for one another to make them feel welcome, included and loved.

Had we asked, this would have been the response.

Take a look at what the girl's soccer team at East High School did to make their classmates feel loved and appreciated. They left notes of encouragement on all of the lockers.

Way to go ERabs; now it's time to pay this random act of kindness forward.

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