Rockford Snow Plow Info Available With This App, is Your Street Plowed?
The City of Rockford has an app for times like this. Being able to figure out if certain roads are plowed, is very important. This could add time to your commute and maybe even relieve some stress. Nothing worse than finding yourself in a driving situation that is out of your control. Getting stuck on a street or a parking lot is just a pain in the butt.
Also included with the City of Rockford "Snow and Ice App" is information about parking, is it an odd or even day? Plus the details on if a "snow emergency" has been issued, important stuff. The "Residential Plowing Progress Map" happens in real time. This is with the help of the outfits that are hired to do the local plowing. The maps are color coded, RED is not plowed yet, YELLOW is they are working on it, and GREEN means that those streets are plowed. There are a total of 24 routes and 96 sections. For the entire city of Rockford to be plowed if takes these workers anywhere from 12 to 14 hours.
There is also a hotline available on this app, where individual requests can be made: 779-348-7260. Of course this is NOT an emergency line.
Click HERE for the City of Rockford "Snow and Ice App"
Here is an example of the information you will receive: