Rockford School Board Member Has Hissy Fit and Assaults Cameraman (Video)
After a Rockford School Board Meeting, school board member Michael Connor attacks and assaults a Rockford area documentarian. MyStateline
In this mind-blowing video, watch as Rockford School Board member Michael Connor walks right up to the man videoing and attacks him. The documentarian is Nicholas Stange, who was stunned by the assault.
After the physical attack, there was a woman standing nearby that questions his violent actions...and he attempts to "intimidate" her by getting into HER personal space as well.
"What are you, who are you." - Michael Conner
It's not known why this happened, and what brought the overly aggressive and physical action by Mr. Connor. By what is shown on this video it was obviously unprovoked and pretty ridiculous. The man exits the building, walks up to a stranger filming, and attacks him. What is wrong with people?
The cameraman asks the school board member:
"What are you doing, what is your problem." - Nicholas Stange
The response by school board member:
"You!" - Micheal Conner
In the video the Rockford School Board Member claims that the man filming is "intimidating." Say what? That is obviously nonsense and just something Mr. Connor said because he knew he caught in a very embarrassing situation.
Micheal Connor, represents Subdistrict F on the Rockford School Board. Apparently he wasn't having a good night, or something. Really immature, sir.