The Rockford Park District has some serious budget issues to contend with, and some of their long-time facilities might not make the cut.

Some facilities may be closed, sold off, or suspended, according to Jay Sandine, Rockford Park District Executive Director.

After asking for, and receiving, feedback from the community on what people would like to see as top priorities moving forward, the Rockford Park District saw that neighborhood parks, playgrounds, youth programs, Washington Park Community Center, along with arts and cultural programming got the most support.

Executive Director Jay Sandine says those recommendations include permanent closure of Sinnissippi Golf Course, suspension of operations of Snow Park at Alpine Hills, and suspension of operations at Alpine Pool.

Sandine says that feedback also included residents wanting less of their tax dollars going to golf courses. Sandine says this mixed with the over saturation of golf courses in the area is why the recommendation is to completely close Sinnissippi. Meanwhile, people expressed a desire to keep programming like swimming and family activities. Sandine says this is why the recommendation is only a suspension at both Alpine Hills and Alpine Pool.

A final decision about these recommendations along with the tax levy will be made by board members at the November 19th meeting.


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