Growing up it was understood that if you were sick or didn't have school that day when the clock struck 10 am you turned on The Price is Right.

One lucky Rockford man got to hear the famous phrase any fan of the popular game show longs to hear:

C'mon down, You're the next contestant on the Price is Right!"

Back in February, U.S. Naval engineman first class and Rockford native Justin Davila attended a taping of the game show as reported by

During the bidding process, he played The Card Game. In that game, he had to guess the price of a Volkswagon Jetta within $2,000.

Like most do on The Price is Right, Davila looked into the audience for advice.  There he sought the help of his wife Patrica and because of her help and won the car, plus a stereo system.

Since he is now stationed in Bahrain, he has yet to pick up the car.

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