Next time you go to a game at Wrigley Field, your view might look a little bit different.

I've sat in some really good seats for a Cubs game. It's great seeing the game up close.

There's only one problem. You really have to pay attention. A foul ball could come screaming your way. Every once in awhile, a player loses control of his bat and it ends up in the stands. Either way can seriously injure a fan.

Looks like things will be changing this season.

According to

"Major League Baseball is taking a step to protect the fans at their ballparks with the protective screen to be extended to at least the far end of each dugout."

I think this is a great idea. I've seen fans get hit and it's not good. Sometimes, even if you're paying attention to the game, that ball just comes way too fast to get out of the way.

I know some fans will complain about the view, but after a couple of minutes, you don't even notice the netting anymore.

This will definitely be helpful protecting those casual fans that are there more to be seen than see.

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