Man Blows Off Privates With Fireworks at Bachelor Party, at Least it Wasn’t in Rockford
The bachelor party story will make you cringe.
Dateline Syracuse, New York. Man rushed to hospital after taping fireworks to his junk.
From FOX NEWS a guy getting ready to tie the knot, loses the important stuff at a bachelor party.
“It was just another prank we were playing on the groom, we had seen it done on You Tube, we thought it would be really funny, the best man blindfolded the groom and then taped the bottle rocket to his penis before lighting it. There was a large bang, the next thing I know he was on the ground screaming and everyone was panicking” - Party Witness
So a bachelor party prank, is to blow off the groom's junk with fireworks? Not to make fun of this, but I will...the plastic surgeon Dr. Korsakov, really kinda said it all:
“The force of the explosion has removed significant portions of the man’s genitals. The patient has a very long road to recovery”.
At least it wasn't in Rockford.