Illinois Predicted To Grow 1 Million Pounds Of Pot In 2025
Experts are predicting that one million pounds of marijuana will be grown in Illinois in 2025.
Have you ever seen a pound of weed? It seems like a large amount to me. I can't even by my head around the thought of 1 million pounds of cannabis. It would make Cheech and Chong blush.
According to,
"Illinois could be among the top five states for legal marijuana production by 2025, putting out more than 1 million pounds of weed that year. A report from Washington, D.C.-based cannabis research firm New Frontier Data, released this week, predicted that demand driven by recreational marijuana sales would help put Illinois among the upper echelons of weed producers, joining states such as California and Colorado. Illinois ranked 13th this year, with more than 72,000 pounds of marijuana produced legally. There’s strong demand in Illinois because the state is so populous. The demand is already there, it’s just being supported by the illicit market. Once there is a deployed legal, regulated market you’ll see a precipitous increase in legal sales.”
Maybe I should get into the marijuana business.
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