If you have a parent who is gone, you know how incredible it is when they meet you for a miracle moment here on earth.

That's exactly what happened to 39 year-old John Hinkle who was a two-time NCAA bowling champion for Western Illinois University. His father John Hinkle Sr. introduced him and his brother to bowling at a very young age.

A cool fact about John Hinkle is that he uses a two finger bowling technique. With standard bowling balls having three holes, John didn't need the third. So he decided to honor is father who passed away by having the hole filled with some of his father's ashes after he passed in 2016.

John told his brother he had a feeling he was going to score a perfect game with the ball. His prediction came true April 12, when he scored a perfect game at Landmark Lanes in Peoria.

John said tears filled his eyes on the 11th and 12th frame. He couldn't believe he actually did it. UPI details -

Hinkle, who has bowled several 300 games during his time in the sport, said the game was especially significant since his father had never quite managed to shoot a perfect game.

John said he knew his father was there with him. His father got close to a perfect game, but never quite made it. So when he got a perfect 300, he knew his father was with him that day.

Just a reminder of how much someone who has passed can stay with you.


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