A woman flying into O'Hare Airport in Illinois was arrested by security for trying to smuggle drugs by a new sneaky method.

Drug Bust At O'Hare Airport

Give me more and tighter security with the latest and greatest technology and I'll give you someone that will foolishly try to get through it. Of course, they're usually unsuccessful. Even if person after person gets busted, their thought is it won't be me.

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I've been through airport security several times in my life. Those TSA agents aren't messing around. Plus, the technology has gotten so complex, that you'd have to be an expert criminal to get away with it. I don't understand why these people even try.

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A woman flying into O'Hare Airport from the Dominican Republic tried a new way to smuggle drugs into the United States. Of course, she was unsuccessful and was immediately arrested. How did she think it was going to work?


The suspect was in a wheelchair when she was going through security. At first, she seemed to get away with it but the Department of Homeland Security thought she was suspicious so they decided to check her out again, this time a little more thorough.

TSA didn't find anything on the woman or in her luggage. Something wasn't quite right with the wheelchair when they put it through the x-ray machine. Then the drug dog hit on it. At that point, they decided to cut into the wheelchair cushions.

NBC Chicago

That's where security found the drugs. She was carrying 14 one-kilogram packages of cocaine. Each one is valued at $17,000. That's $238,000 worth of coke found stashed in her wheelchair. I don't think she'll be flying anywhere soon.

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Gallery Credit: The Smoking Gu, Beleville PD, Champaign County Jail, McLean County Jail, Montgomery PD, Cook County Jail, DuPage County Jail, East Alton PD, Gurnee PD, Kendell Co. Sheriffs Dept, Lake County PD, Madison County Jail, Oak Lawn PD, Orland Park Police Dept, River Forrest PD, Roselle Police Department, Shiloh Police Dept, St Clair County Jail

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