Friday Night Football Replaced in Freeport With COVID-Games

No Friday Night Lights in Freeport for the Aquin Bulldogs...no problem. Aquin Catholic High School has created something to fill the void of no football games.
According to MyStateline the students at Aquin created an Ultimate Frisbee/Football hybrid that allows the kids to do something fun on Friday nights, safely.
COVID games was welcomed with open arms, (at a 6 foot distance) by Elizabeth Heitkamp, Aquin School District Superintendent.
“We asked them to come up with things they could do on Friday night’s that would be safe and fun, and as much outside as possible. When they said this week they were playing football I was a little nervous, but now that I see how they’re playing, I’m good.” - Elizabeth Heiktamp
What a great way to fill time, Aquin! Hopefully there can be "Friday Night Lights" in Spring 2021. As weird as that will be, that is a "normal" I think we can all enjoy.
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