My High School Classmate who Passed was Honored in Freeport
Trent Merrill was the guy that made everyone smile.
Even as early on a Kindergarten, everyone that knew Trent smiled. Trent Merrill was put on this earth to make people happy, and he did that all the time.
My classmate and friend Trent Merrill died of leukemia in October of 2016. He was a huge baseball fan, I considered him a really good pitcher (even though some would argue that, right Jason). He loved the sport of baseball, and would attend as many local games as possible.
Freeport Aquin High School honored the life of Trent Merrill with a special jersey for their high school baseball team. The initials "TM" appear on the left.
Here is the video of the jersey dedication with Freeport Aquin High School.