Tax season is here are you ready?

accountant doing taxes

It's obviously important to have your taxes ready, but the real question is what are you going to spend your return on?

Seriously if you are going to get something back, why not do something nice for yourself? Sure you could pay your rent, a car payment, get the kids through school, but what the hell have you done for yourself lately?

In an effort to make you happy and tell you things you probably shouldn't do, here are Four Ways to Spend Your Tax Return in Rockford on you.


  • Season Tickets for the Rockford Rivets - I'd do it just for the food, that's some ballpark food right there!
  • Horse Drawn Carriage - Ride around downtown Rockford all day, don't forget to "prom wave.
  • Update the Look - So many great clothing stores, places you can get a fresh haircut and a shave.
  • Down payment on The Clocktower - Seriously, prime location with tons of potential.



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