Filmmaker Discusses The Rita Crundwell Documentary
"All The Queens Horses" is a documentary about Rita Crundwell who stole $53 million from Dixon, Illinois.
Do you remember back in 2012 when the comptroller and treasurer of Dixon, Illinois got arrested for stealing money from the town? It became a national story.
If not, here's a refresher from
Here are the basics.
Rita Crundwell worked for the city of Dixon for more than twenty years. She was the comptroller and treasurer.
Over that time, she stole $53 million from the town. That adds up to over $37,000 a day.
She was arrested in 2012 for the largest case of municipal fraud in American history.
While Dixon was forced to make drastic cuts to its city services for their residents, Rita was living large including owning a horse-breeding empire.
How does something like this happen?
Kelly Pope from Kartemquin Films investigated the story to answer that "$53 million question." They are releasing a documentary about the whole incident called "All The Queens Horses."
I had the chance to talk to her about the movie. It was a very interesting interview. The whole story is fascinating. If you missed it, listen to it right now.
Video: Interview with Kelly Pope who discusses the documentary "All The Queens Horses" and how Rita Crundwell stole $53 million from Dixon.
Video: Trailer for the movie
They are doing a free showing of the movie at the Historic Dixon Theater this weekend. For more info and to your free get tickets, check out...
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