Downtown Rockford Mural Mystery Officially Solved
We're loving the new murals in downtown Rockford but there was one problem... a mystery that needed solving and well, it's solved!
A few weeks ago I wrote about this downtown mural. I pass it every day on my way to work at the corner of Winnebago and W. State Street.
It came together pretty quickly and once the faces were drawn in it was obvious that Fred Van Vleet was the main attraction.
Additional Rockfordians began to appear and I kept looking at both women thinking... who are they?
I thought maybe at some point I would just figure it out, but I didn't. I definitely needed help with this one.
You know I did have an inkling that the woman in the front was Michelle Williams but I just wasn't absolutely sure.
Now, I'm sure!
Michelle is the woman in the front and in the back you'll find Sara Dorner, Rockford United Labor's first woman president.
To the left of Michelle is Angel Martinez, Bing Liu is in the middle and Fred is front and center.
According to Go Rockford's Facebook post, the Rockford Area Arts Council sponsored this mural and it was created by Stukone.
I might be partial to it because I see it every morning, but it's one of my favorite new murals for sure.
Which is your favorite?