The event at Area 51 has been canceled but don't worry because Double T Storms Area (2)51 is still happening.

Do you remember a few months ago when someone on Facebook started a page called "Storm Area 51, They Can't Stop Us All?" 

That inspired us here at 96.7 The Eagle to hold our own event, "Double T Storms Area (2)51." Let's be honest, none of us were going to road trip to Nevada.

Well, I have some good news and some bad news that doesn't really affect us.

How about the bad news first?

According to,

"The viral Facebook event that invited people to storm Area 51 in Nevada next week, has lost its ringleader. Matty Roberts, a college student who started the event jokingly, has pulled out due to worries about the infrastructure of what is supposedly going to happen on September 20."

"It just took off like wildfire. It's entirely satirical though, and most people seem to understand that. But whether the event was a joke or an actual call to organize, people were into it—really into it. 2 million people have clicked "Going," and another 1.6 million have indicated they're "Interested" in the raid."

"While the majority of attendees likely responded to the event as a joke, if even a percentage take it seriously, there are real concerns. The Air Force has issued a statement "discouraging" anyone from attempting to enter the facility. We saw the red flags and we pull out, or we could have ignored those and have it turn into a Fyre Festival 2.0 on our hands."

The alien raid has now become a free music festival in Las Vegas. Sounds like that was his intention all along. Sounds shady to me.

According to,

"Instead of an assault on the premise, they decided to bring people together over music instead -- initially planning a festival in neighboring Rachel, Nevada, now happening in Las Vegas. A chat with the FBI might've nudged him in the right direction."

Of course, the good news is "Double T Storms Area (2)51" is still a go. It's going to be lots of fun, so I hope to see you out and about.


Video: Storm Area 2(51) on September 20th

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