Deck The Halls with The Griswold’s
There are certain holiday movies that I must see before it can truly be Christmas and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation is definitely one of them.
Over the last couple of years, the popularity of this holiday classic has continued to grow and this year seems to be at an all-time high!
People have been creating their own Christmas Vacation-themed holiday displays for their homes.
Here recently Cousin Eddie was spotted in Lodi, Wisconsin.
What about those who don't have mannequins just laying around?
Luckily this year there are options for those who want their place to look like The Griswold's.
Ace Hardware has got several items available through their website. Most of them are inflatables for your yard. But you can also blind your neighbors and double your electric bill with thousands of twinkling lights of your own with the Christmas Vacation LED light set.
At Macy's you can order an entire Christmas Vacation Snow Village, you know those porcelain homes and city's people set up this time of year. Except this one includes the Griswold home, Clark trimming the tree in a goalie mask, Cousin Eddie's RV, and Cousin Eddie himself from that very famous scene where he's wishing the neighbor's Merry Christmas.
The Home Depot has an 8ft inflatable of the family's station wagon complete with the tree tied to the top.
But the best place to get merchandise happens to be the website Christmas Vacation Collectibles. They feature a lot of the items listed above, but they also have apparel, housewares, and glass moose mugs!
My favorite item they have for sale is the advent house calendar that looks just like the one seen throughout the movie.
If only it wasn't so much, I'd have one for my house already!
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