Wisconsin Fashion Conscious Man Wearing Breathalyzer Shirt, Gets 6th DUI
Double T always has a concert rule. "You can't wear the shirt of the band you are going to see." This always brings great debate, there are a "few" bands where this rule is eliminated. But for the most part, simply don't be that guy. SG
So what if you are out cruising after a few too many, and wearing a "Breathalyzer" t-shirt? What about that Double T? Let me introduce you to Bryan Wendler of Wisconsin. He was passed out at the wheel of his Chevrolet Cavalier, engine running, middle of the road. wearing this shirt:
Oh damn, Bryan. That is something special.
This was in fact Bryan's 6th DUI arrest. According to police, Bryan was dazed and confused and didn't even finish his beer! There was a sixer in the car unopened.
Bryan "blew" a .19 which is more than twice the legal limit. There is more to the life of Mr. Bryan then his constant DUI busts, he also faces a probation violation situation and also was busted for driving with a revoked license. If you are gonna go, go big.
This fella is in a bit of trouble, and could use a ride for a while...maybe the next 10-12 years or so. Oh, and if you are responsible for taking him places, could you run him by a Goodwill for a new shirt or two?
Best of luck in the future Mr. Bryan, stay safe.