CBD & Marijuana The Go-To Medicine for Those Who Suffer from Anxiety During the Pandemic
It would be a vast understatement to say that many, businesses included, that have been hit hard by COVID-19.

There is one industry however that seems to thrive regardless of the pandemic and that is the recreational marijuana one. Since becoming legal people have spent over $239 million so far this year.
According to some experts say this is in part to how many are dealing with the stress of living in these trying times.
The unknown can be a scary thing and for some that could mean depression, anxiety, not sleeping, and rather than turn to a pharmaceutical prescription, many are going with a more natural option.
This has now lead to an increase in the use of CBD products along with marijuana.
One expert Pat Spangler, KP Counseling Director of Addiction Services, it's about finding a coping mechanism that suits you best.
For some, that's seeing their doctor and being prescribed something, for a growing number its weed or CBD products. To each their own, I guess.
Recreational marijuana is legal here in the Land of Lincoln so there are plenty of folks who are hitting up the dispensaries. For those who want some of the medicinal effects without the high should go with a CBD product. Because CBD doesn't contain THC or tetrahydrocannabinol the active ingredient in marijuana.
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