Bob Zany’s Zany Report Debuts With Double T
The Double T Mornings debut of the Zany Report featuring Comedian Bob Zany premieres on The Eagle this week.
My longtime friend and nemesis, Comedian Bob Zany, kicks off a new feature this week on my morning show. The "Zany Report" will make its debut this Wednesday at 8ish.
Bob and I have this love, hate thing going, but it makes for entertaining radio. We may say mean things to each other, but it's all in fun. As far as you know.
I'll talk to Mr. Zany every Wednesday morning around 8ish. Sometimes he has a trouble with time, that's why I add the "ish."
The comedian has a fun way to look at things and he likes to share his observations with the world.
Don't worry, if you miss a "Zany Report." Just check out The Eagle YouTube channel, because I will post them there.
Hopefully, sometime in the future, we can get him in town for a live comedy show. It's always a good time.
Video: Double T Mornings Debut of The Zany Report with Comedian Bob Zany
By the way, if you aren't familiar with Bob Zany. He's really famous or maybe more infamous. He's performed all over the world including Rockford several times. He's starred in TV shows and movies.
Video: Bob Zany stars in Joe Dirt
Video: Comedian Dobie Maxwell
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