If you look up your bank account balance one day and it's six figures higher than normal, you have to expect someone's going to find that mistake.

36-year-old Robert Williams and his 35-year-old wife Tiffany from Montoursville, Pennsylvania got a giant boost to their bank account back on May 31st, when a teller accidentally deposited $120,000 into their account. Their balance before that? $1,121.

But Robert and Tiffany decided the right move wasn't to contact the bank... it was to go on a spending spree.

So for the next few weeks, they bought an SUV, two four-wheelers, a camper, and a car trailer. They also paid off all their bills and car repairs, and gave $15,000 to friends.

But in mid-June, the bank figured out their mistake. And despite what the game "finders keepers" might've taught us in elementary school, the bank took their $120,000 back and transferred it to the correct account.

So Robert and Tiffany were told they had to return all the money they'd spent, plus they were hit with $107,000 in overdraft fees. They tried to ghost the bank to get out of it . . . so the bank called the cops.

And now Robert and Tiffany have been arrested on felony theft charges.

Read more at ABC 16 - Scranton

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