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Well that Monday, sucked. Not only did we have to go back to work, but we got nailed with a few inches of the white stuff. I was sitting in my office not paying attention to what was happening outside, and I received a text asking me if there was a lot of snowfall in Rockford. I turned and opened my blinds to a freakin' winter wonderland. Yuck.

Well if you are a fan of the snow, enjoy it now because the forecast moving forward will make all the powder disappear. WREX

With temperatures going up day by day, and what we will get by Thursday, we could be snow free once again by the weekend. We will see a high of 50 on Wednesday, with some sun...that's a great start, but Thursday should be the end of snow with once again temps in the mid to upper 40's and a healthy amount of rain coming to Rockford.

By Friday the sun will be shining brightly and temps stay at 50.

Saturday for Eaglestock III feel free to pop open a cooler of beer in the garage and crack the "return of live music" up on the app or stereo, and get ready for sun and 55.

Sunday has us on a shorts and flip flops alert, well at least me. Beginning Sunday we see a consistent trend of sixty degree days.

Spring 2021 will be here this weekend, and we all could use the sunshine and NO snow.

KEEP READING: Get answers to 51 of the most frequently asked weather questions...

TIPS: Here's how you can prepare for power outages


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