Illinois gets a lot of negative press, some deserving and some opinion/misinformed. The Land of Lincoln has a lot to offer, stunning natural views, beautiful cities (big and small), loads of entertainment, and more. The state is also known for being the home of 4 U.S Presidents, numerous celebrities, and significant inventions.

Do you know some of the most popular inventions have Illinois ties?



Before we get to the first invention let me ask you this, where do you see most gripes about Illinois? The answer is the internet. How ironic because the first generation top-level web browser was developed by a group of men from Illinois.


Nuclear Reactor

The world's first artificial nuclear reactor in the world was developed in Illinois.

Dave Stringer Norwich City manager on the phone 1991
Hulton Archive

Who Ya Gonna Call!?!

Maybe Martin Cooper? He conceived the first cellular phone in Chicago in 1973, 22 years before the photo above. Crazy, right?


Up In The Sky

Did you know the world's skyscraper, the Home Insurance Building, was constructed in Chicago in 1885? Ten years later this skyscraper was built.

Monadnock Building
Getty Images

Joy Ride

In 1893,  George Washington Gale Ferris Jr built the first Ferris wheel for the World's Columbian Exposition. The image below is somewhat similar.

Chrysler Building
Getty Images

Changing American Lives Forever

The inventions listed above definitely have their own bragging rights but this could arguably be at the top of the list.

Remote Control
Getty Images

In 1955, two Illinoisans invited the television remote control.


Say what you want about Illinois but some pretty significant inventions in the world were invented in the state.

[h/t Matador Network]

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