6 Stupid Wisconsin Facts: Cow Chip Throwing, Barbie Dolls, Schlitz and Trolls
Let's go deep behind the "Cheddar Curtain" for some bizarre facts about our neighbors to the north. These are all true, but you will question EVERYTHING about Wisconsin after reading this...Let's start with a town full of trolls. MOVOTO
- Mt Horeb, Wi - Is full of TROLLS - The main road through town is actually called the "Trollway."
Getty Images
- Wisconsin is the only state to offer a Master Cheesemaker program - No surprise here
University of Liverpool Library via Twitter
- The "cheesehead" hat actually debuted at a Brewers, not a Packers, game - Didn't know this one.
Division Series - Atlanta Braves v Milwaukee Brewers - Game Two
Pile of Money
- The Wisconsin State Cow Chip Throw Festival, held is the world's largest celebration of bovine fecal matter - ONLY is Wisconsin.
A close up of a herd of Cows with a blue sky background
Also worth noting, Schlitz, the “beer that made Milwaukee famous,” is now made in California.
Willows, Wisconsin is the birthplace of the Barbie doll. Ken is actually from Minnesota and is a huge Vikings fan. That's why they divorced early, that and Ken's love for He-Man. (All of that is made up, but roll with it at work today).
Wisconsin's Pink Castle Makes the Ultimate Girls Getaway
Pink Castle
Private Wisconsin Island Home Built in 1930s on Market for $350k
Stunning photos of private, one-acre, Fairy Island home for sale on Booth Lake in East Troy, Wisconsin.
7 Foods You Didn't Know Were Official State Foods of Illinois & Wisconsin
Wisconsin and Illinois' official state foods you probably didn't know about.