I would like to think that the Gloucestershire Cheese Rolling competition started off innocently enough. Maybe some villager a long time ago was walking home after a journey to the town market when oops...he drops his wheel of cheese at the top of the hill. What else could he do but run full blast down the steep incline after it? Instead, I'm sure it wasn't like that all. Probably a couple of town drunks were gazing at the hill when one said to the other, "You know what? I bet I can run down that hill until my legs can't keep up anymore. Here, hold my beer and I'll show you." I have no doubt that's exactly how the race was started. In fact, I don't even want to know how it started.

First, an epic faceplant with slo-mo:

It's very simple. They roll a wheel of cheese from the top of the hill and dozens of lunatics run full-bore after it. Along they way they fall, roll, fly, faceplant, and flail uncontrollably until they reach the bottom of the hill. If they can't stop themselves, there are rugby players waiting to stop you in your tracks. I enjoyed a few nights of drinking with the Aspen rugby team many years ago. Those dudes are huge, and quite honestly they were pretty damn scary after many beers. They're tough as hell and will stop you where you stand. Many times people are carted off the hill on stretchers. It looks like a civil war battle scene.

I don't know about you, but my knees and back ache just watching them race.



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