You Can Live in a ‘Disco’ in Wisconsin, With Like 200 People?
If you head north of the border for a moment, we will find some bizarre town names that will lead you to believe that I'm making this stuff up.
These are real towns, real names, real places that I'm sure have some bars and churches...These names and some of their spellings are so weird it's like they let some 2nd graders do this for a class project after a sugar filled lunch.
So what's the deal with "Disco, Wi," first off great freaking name. This is an unincorporated town so I really had to search for a population. One link said "we think there is around 200 people." THAT is some scientific data.
There are 25 really good ones but I'll give you my top 11 "Weirdest Wisconsin Town Names."
Seriously, I want to go to Disco, Wisconsin.
- Footville - This is a fun one, only if Handville was nearby...
- Gotham - This town BETTER offer up a bat signal in the sky.
- Fence - I'm on one over this town name.
- Embarrass - This one I really like, seems like a great hometown for a Wheel of Fortune contestant.
- Disco - Grab your platform shoes and drop the bass...let's go!
- Dairyland - Tis is pretty much all of Wisconsin, isn't it?
- Cleghorn - No idea, sounds loud and obnoxious.
- Bosstown - If Springsteen doesn't write a song...or at least have a t-shirt from this town.
- Bluff Siding - Um ok...Sounds, fun?
- Avalanche - Stay clear of hillsides and lots of snow, I guess.
- Arkansaw - The spelling people. How great is this? So remove that last "S" and replace it with a "W" how it actually sounds...It's my town and I'll do what I want!
These are all pretty classic town names, other great ones on the list of 25 include:
Pardeeville, Random Lake, and Mishicot...which means "hairy leg." Use this one in drunken conversation to win a bet, you're welcome.
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