If you've been looking for a place to rest your head and not much else, there's a home for you in Illinois.

Tiny House Listings
Tiny House Listings

Seriously though, there's plenty of room if by "plenty of room" you mean a place to lay your head, watch TV, cook a meal and use the bathroom.

Tiny House Listings
Tiny House Listings

Those are four amenities in this very, very small home on Tiny House Listings.

Going for $20,000 this "Roomy 18' THOW (Tiny House on Wheels) is the perfect pad for a single person or newly married couple.

Tiny House Listings
Tiny House Listings

Sounds like the only reason this is even being sold is because the family is expanding by one.

Tiny House Listings
Tiny House Listings

Tiny House Listings:

We are sad to let our tiny house go, but we are upgrading as it's just a bit too small with our son. We lived in this house as a couple and found it to be roomy and comfortable, even with two of us. We are aiming to sell soon. Looking for a quick, as-is sale.

Tiny House Listings
Tiny House Listings

If you're concerned about the heat don't be, there's an electric space heater that comes with the tiny house.

Tiny House Listings
Tiny House Listings

Sounds kind of fun, honestly. My biggest issue, is and always will be when it comes to places like this, where do you actually live?

Tiny House Listings
Tiny House Listings

For example, where do you set this thing up? In the middle of the woods? A parking lot?

Tiny House Listings
Tiny House Listings

Like an RV or camping lot? You'll have to pay for that privilege, which isn't really in the spirit of owning a small home, right? So what do you do?

So many big decisions for such a tiny house.

Tiny Illinois Town is in Guinness Book of World Records 12 Times

One very small Illinois town has built themselves into a giant across the globe and I'll bet you didn't even know. Neither did I. A whole lotta wow going on.

LOOK: Here are the best small towns to live in across America

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