Wisconsin Will Vote to REQUIRE the National Anthem at Sporting Events
The State Assembly in Wisconsin is voting today to make The National Anthem mandatory at all sporting events. The deal is a lot of these venues are state funded, so today they vote. Madison
This isn't just Green Bay Packers and Milwaukee Brewer games...this is every bar softball league, city park sporting event in Wisconsin. Making it a legal thing with everywhere you play. The interesting part on the wording that's being voted on is, what does "sporting event" mean? So if you and your buddies want to go play a pickup game of hoops at the park, or the old high school buddies want to hurt each other some more with a football game...do you have to play/sing the National Anthem?
If the assembly approves this today, it will then need to be approved by the senate and then it lands on the desk of Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers.
There aren't any penalties for NOT playing/singing the National Anthem prior to a Wisconsin sporting event...So I'm really not sure how they are going to police this is the assembly passes it. It is refreshing though that the state of Wisconsin is focusing on country.
It seems that all parties involved, both sides of things, agree that this is a good thing to happen. I wonder if other states will follow in the steps on Wisconsin if this indeed passed and goes to the governor?
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