With all that society deals with on a daily basis, why FAKE a serious crime?


The price of EVERYTHING is going up, COVID appears to still be hanging on, there's a war raging, etc etc...Getting kidnapped isn't a laughing matter, especially when kids go missing all the time.


Along comes Audrey Seiler, a college student in Madison, Wisconsin. Apparently she was super bored, maybe super stupid. maybe both.


Audrey faked being kidnapped. If you are that bored, there's SIXTEEN PAGES of the situation HERE 

Police barrier tape at crime scene

After the whole situation was resolved and it was found to be a load of crap, boy did things get real. Aubrey said she staged the abduction from her Madison, Wisconsin apartment. Quite the elaborate scheme to get noticed, I guess.

Arrest Made At Major Crime Hits Illinois And Entire Midwest
Getty Images/iStockphoto

The sixteen pages of the detailed "kidnapping" is referred to as "remarkably detailed account." All for what, a little attention, some fame, or maybe it's because she's not right in the head..at least that's what came out of Aubrey's mouth:

  "I set everything up. I'm just so messed up. I'm sorry." - Aubrey Seiler

Are you sure, Aubs?

There was a party....a former friend of Aubrey was there. Drinking, and argument, Seiler vanishes. A phone call was received by a friend of Aubrey's later...Claiming she was "hit" didn't know where she was, only that she was near a bunch of garbage cans. The rest is a kidnapping and a story that is as all over the place as you will ever read.


It was fake, No one was abducted, and Aubrey is in a lot of trouble. Happy Monday!

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