What Is The Best Way To Cut A Watermelon?
After purchasing a watermelon, what is the best way to cut it up?
There are so many reasons to get excited about summertime in Rockford.
One reason is the local farmer's markets start opening up. We have some great ones in our area. It makes it so easy to get fresh food.
I really enjoy watermelon. I'm a big fan of going to a farmer's market and picking up a big fresh one.
They are so tasty and very refreshing on a hot summer day.
The only problem I have is that I hate cutting them up. Watermelons are so big and messy.
I actually have a deal with my mother-in-law for when I buy one. She can take half, if she cuts it up. Well in the summer with my daughter off of school, I don't see her as much. My wife doesn't like watermelon, so that leaves the duty in my hands.
I'll sometimes buy the already cut up stuff at the grocery store, but it's expensive and not as good.
I don't have a system to cut a watermelon, so I decided to look it up on YouTube. I didn't really know there was so many different ways to do it.
Here are some of the ways to cut up a watermelon I was impressed with.
Video: Awesome Way to Cut Watermelon
I really like the ease of the cut and how to grab it. This would be great for a party.
Video: How to Cut a Watermelon
You can't go wrong with the standard triangles.
Video: How To Cut Watermelon - A simple yet brilliant technique
This way is amazing, but seems a little difficult.
Video: Watermelon in 30 seconds or less
I want to hire this guy to cut my watermelons.
Video: How to cut a watermelon into cubes
My favorite way to eat it.
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