Here are some suggestions to help you have a better morning.

Does anybody really like getting up early every day for work? If you say yes, you're lying.

You might not mind getting up early to enjoy the day, but I talking about having to get yourself going for work or school.

Trust me, I totally understand. My alarm goes off at four each weekday morning.

I'm always open to any suggestions, that will help my morning go better. Especially, if I can catch a couple of extra minutes of sleep.

Maybe, you're always grumpy in the morning or just really sleepy.

Usually, people tell you things you should do to make it better. Not this time.

Here are things to not do in the morning when you first wake up from,

  • Stop Snoozing - I definitely agree. Snoozing actually made me more tired. Plus, I rather sleep as late as possible without getting woken up every nine minutes.
  • Stop long hot showers - I have no problem with this. Get in, get out. That's my motto.
  • Stop drinking coffee - I don't drink coffee, so I will have to change that to soda. They are just saying drink it a little later. I can live with that.
  • Stop making breakfast - I already do this one. They suggest making your breakfast the night before.
  • Stop checking email - It's so hard to not check email right when I wake up. A bad email can put me in a bad mood quickly.
  • Stop checking social media - Even more difficult than checking email. I have to make sure I didn't miss anything.
  • Stop stressing over your outfit I've never stressed about what I wear, but I do pick it out the night before. It gives me a couple extra minutes to sleep.

I hope these things help you to have a better waking up experience.


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