US Cellular Makes Huge Donation to Rockford Boys and Girls Club
The Boys and Girls Club are a great place for kids!
I grew up down the road from the Carlson Boys and Girls Club.
I was there all the time. I learned to play bummer pool and foosball upstairs and honed my basketball skills downstairs in the gym.
Even played on a team for my elementary school for the first ever girls basketball league they had. My team took first place that year too! Go Maple Mustangs!
It's good for kids to have these places to learn and grow. Both socially and scholastically.
Thanks to a generous donation from US Cellular another local Boys and Girls Club will be helping in doing just that.
For the fifth year in a row, the company made a donation of $5,000 to the Boys and Girls Club of Rockford.
This is to help the non-profit provide opportunities to kids in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math.
US Cellular says with the donation to the STEM projects they are investing in future leaders.