Uncle Joe Benson, a legendary radio personality, begins hosting the "Ultimate Classic Rock" show tonight (May 7).

Benson brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to "Ultimate Classic Rock," including having spent the last 37 years in Southern California radio. Defined as an "AOR legend" in Don Barrett's definitive book Los Angeles Radio People, he is the host of the popular syndicated interview program "Off the Record" and the "Uncle Joe's Garage" podcast, and has chronicled the history of rock music with his Uncle Joe's Record Guides.

In addition, he is heavily involved in his other passion – motorsports – with his Uncle Joe's Racing team having competed in more than 600 events throughout Southern California, and has also served as an announcer at the Auto Club Speedway and reported on the local scene.

"Ultimate Classic Rock" can be heard on more than 50 stations across the U.S., from 7PM to midnight Monday through Friday. The program features the nightly Ultimate Led Zeppelin segment – a deep dive into the Zeppelin catalog – at 10PM.


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