Here's how to make sure you're ready for Eagle Stock.

I'm getting very excited for Eagle Stock on Friday, May 1st starting at 9 am and for ten-hours. It's going to be a great day for music. Plus, I get to host it.

For line-up and times, HERE.

Just like anything, a little prep work will make your day that much more enjoyable.

Here are a few tips to get you ready for the experience...

  • How will be listening to the show? You don't want to be struggling to get it going at showtime or miss any bands. Will you be listening to it on the radio, internet, app, headphones, smart speaker, stereo, Alexa, or some other way? Have that device ready. Check on things like charging, Bluetooth, wifi, and placement. There are many factors involved in hearing the show.
  • Where will you be enjoying the concert? Have your spot reserved. You don't want to have to battle with the family about who gets the living room. It's ten hours, so comfort is key. You want to make sure you have the best situation possible.
  • Who will you be hanging out with? Of course the first option is your family. They might have no interest, so a back-up plan is always good. Since, no one can come over. Find out which of your friends are available to check it out. Also, check out who has Zoom or Facetime, that way you can be on video and see each other rocking out. That will be good for in-between bands too.
  • Refreshments? Remember, it's a ten-hour show. At some point you're going to get hungry and thirsty. You don't want to miss your favorite band because you were making lunch. Have your menu set and make a quick trip to the store. You can also order delivery. That way you don't have any worries.
  • Did you say party? If you want to catch a buzz, having a plan is a good idea here too. You can't count on your friend to bring a twelve-pack or edibles. Grab your beverage of choice and stop by the dispensary ahead of time. That way it isn't an issue.
  • What to wear? Best part, there's no dress code. You're at home, so come as you are. I suggest picking up one of the limited edition Eagle Stock shirts. They're really cool. Rockford Art Deli is making them. Proceeds benefit the Rock River Valley Food Pantry. I will even allow you to wear it during the show. I'm usually the "don't wear the shirt of the band you're going to see" guy but I give you permission in this case. To order your shirt, HERE. If you can't get the shirt, I have another suggestion. Do you remember the Rockford music scene legend, Vern? He used to bring multiple shirts to shows. Then change them out as the band switch. That would be a cool idea too. Comfy is the keyword for your wardrobe choices. Check out our shirt...

If you take these simple steps, you're going to have a great day.

Video: Eaglestock 2020 on 96.7 The Eagle and the 96.7 The Eagle App. Friday

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