TIL Illinois Plays an Important Role with the National Football League
Even though Super Bowl LVI has come and gone, I found an interesting little factoid about the NFL and Illinois.
The little bit of information has nothing to the "big game", the Pepsi Halftime Show, or even the Chicago Bears, but it does involve Chicago.
Jay Cutler isn't involved either I just wanted to include him for no particular reason. Technically, there could be a Cutty tie-in in this article because he's somewhat familiar with a very important necessity that comes from Chicago.
Jay Cutler, former Chicago Bears quarterback, unfortunately, fumbled the ball a few times during his time playing for Chicago. And, while it would be easy to question the ball itself, we all know Cutler was always the best handler.
In his defense, it's the offensive line's fault for getting sacked, right?
I had no idea of Chicago's role in the National Football League's biggest necessity, the actual football.
Ever heard of a tannery? It is a place that turns animal skins or hides into leather. One of the oldest operating tanneries in the United States of America is in Chicago.
It's true, Horween Leather Company has been around since 1905 and is still in full operation today.
The football as we know it was created by Wilson in 1955 and Horween Leather has been cracking on the football skins ever since, dating back to 1944.
It takes more than 20 cows to create the number of footballs needed for a Super Bowl? You can find even more interesting facts here.
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