Leave it to Tripadvisor once again, having me in tears! Any website that allows for "comments" or "reviews" is in for it at times. I have a great idea, let's let a bunch of keyboard warriors and/or Karen's, take to the world wide web and say WHATEVER THEY WANT! That is a recipe for disaster or brilliant humor...Not sure which one this is. TripAdvisor

Atlanta Braves v Milwaukee Brewers
Getty Images

So here's the title of the post, by "HotelSchoopy." You have me with the name already...Ready for this:

The worst city in Wisconsin

Yep, Schoopy isn't pulling punches with this one...He has the answer to that mind numbing question, "which city in Wisconsin is the worst."

Getty Images
Getty Images

So in this review, Mr Schoopy traveled to the "Brew City" and had a terrible time. He refers to Milwaukee, Wisconsin not only as The worst city in Wisconsin but calls it an industrial wasteland.

Getty Images
Getty Images

The bashing of Milwaukee Wisconsin continues. I have selected a few lines that truly take the cake with this guys sucky review:

"Milwaukee sports two attractions, Miller Stadium and some immensely expansive ghettos"
"Unless you are looking to see mediocre sporting events or to get robbed, you shouldn't be coming to Milwaukee"


"the city planning council is non-existent. I guarantee you will be stuck in a maze of traffic and poor planning, unable to escape for hours"  - HotelSchoopy


I have always had a great time up in Milwaukee! I think this is very rare, and dude was awfully cranky...Because this isn't the Milwaukee, Wi I know. Thank you for the entertainment though!

The Safest Cities in Illinois & Wisconsin

Safewise did a study on the 100 safest cities in America. Eight of them are in Wisconsin and Illinois.


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