This weekend I was introduced to something I had no idea ever existed. It was the "Jeep Wave."

I promised my friend Melissa that I would help her move around a few things in her storage unit this weekend. She came and picked me up with her boyfriend Hector and we set out to the storage unit.

As we were driving, Melissa kept waving to people as they drove by.

Jeep drivers waving to each other

I couldn't believe she knew so many people on the road. Every few minutes there she was, waving to people as they passed by.

I asked her what in the world she was doing and her simple response was, "the Jeep wave."

WHAT!? What is this secret Jeep Wave that she is doing? Hector and Melissa went on to describe that it is an unwritten rule of the road. If you are driving a Jeep and you see someone else driving a Jeep you are supposed to wave to each other, similar to seeing two motorcyclists giving the side wave as they pass each other.

I asked how many people follow this rule and Melissa's answer was, "basically every one except soccer moms. They never wave." I was shocked to see so many Jeep owners returning Melissa's wave. I got on the bandwagon and started waving too.

Who was the first person to wave? How did this Jeep Wave start? Someone had to start it, right? Turns out it is a written rule, according to

The Jeep Wave: An honor bestowed upon those drivers with the superior intelligence, taste, class, and discomfort tolerance to own the ultimate vehicle - the Jeep. Generally consists of vigorous side-to-side motion of one or both hands, but may be modified to suit circumstances and locally accepted etiquette. Examples of commonly accepted modifications:

  • Top off: One handed wave above windshield or outside body tub

  • Top off during blizzard: Shiver and nod, hands may remain frozen to steering wheel

  • Southern/rural locations: Raise fingers from steering wheel, nod

There are rules to the Jeep Wave and a list of hierarchy explaining on who is supposed to initiate the rule. (You can read all of this HERE.)

It was a fun afternoon of waving to people who drove Jeeps. It made me realize that this small gesture, a wave, made me smile. I was a part of something, a community, of like minded individuals who acknowledge our smiling faces.

I blurted out loud to Hector and Melissa that I needed to start my own type of wave since I don't drive a Jeep. I've got a Prius. Maybe I'll start the 'Prius Peace Sign?' We will see if it takes off.


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