
Strange Illinois Laws
Strange Illinois Laws
Strange Illinois Laws
Every state (and many a city and town) has a few rather unusual laws on the books that while rarely enforced, remain in effect to this day. Illinois is certainly no exception to that.
Funny Town Names
Funny Town Names
Funny Town Names
A year or so back, I posted a piece in this space called "Some Illinois Towns Have Weird Names." Some of the Illinois towns mentioned as being weirdly named were: Goofy Ridge, Oblong, Lowpoint, Muddy, Ransom, and Preemption. Time to make the move from weirdness to lewdness.
Before Summer Ends, Catch These Illinois Roadside Attractions
Before Summer Ends, Catch These Illinois Roadside Attractions
Before Summer Ends, Catch These Illinois Roadside Attractions
Everywhere you look, you're seeing "Back to School" signs. Sure, that's your hint to get out and spend a full paycheck on school supplies, clothing, and accessories for your kid(s), but it also means you have just a short period of time to get out and be a tourist one more time before the summer comes to a close. Illinois has you covered.
13 Odd Street Names in Rockford
13 Odd Street Names in Rockford
13 Odd Street Names in Rockford
While driving around town, I often see street names that make me think. I think about would I want to live there, would I be embarrassed to address my envelopes? These are the 13 odd street names in Rockford and my thoughts on each.