'The Late Show' catches up with news reports warning parents of the dangers of ordinary-looking objects that youngsters have turned into covert narcotics containers, plus more from last night's late-night shows.
Jon Stewart said goodbye to The Daily Show last night in equal parts star-studded and quiet, personal fashion as former correspondents like Steve Carell, Stephen Colbert, John Oliver and Olivia Munn returned to pay their respects, while Bruce Springsteen closed out the slow with a performance — at Stewart’s request — of his 1999 song “The Land of Hopes and Dreams” and, for his fellow New Jerseyan, “Born to Run”.
We've known for some time now that 'The Colbert Report' would say goodbye as Stephen moves on to bigger and better things at CBS' 'Late Show,' but we at last have a departure point. Comedy Central has officially scheduled the last 'Colbert Report' for mid December, but when can we run screaming at the gates to say goodbye?
Robert Plant appeared on the "Colbert Report" last night. Rock's self-proclaimed 'Golden God' (according to legend) is promoting his new album Lullabye and...The Ceaseless Roar.
Towards the beginning, Robert hands Stephen a