Illinois License Plates

Here’s What Happens In Illinois If Some Steals Your License Plate
Here’s What Happens In Illinois If Some Steals Your License Plate
Here’s What Happens In Illinois If Some Steals Your License Plate
It happens all the time, believe it or not. Sometimes a license plate will fall off your car due to age, rusted screws, or a fender-bender. Other times, someone will take the time to actually steal your license plates. What happens to you in Illinois if someone else decides to use your license plates on their vehicle?
No Front License Plate In Illinois: Legal Or Illegal?
No Front License Plate In Illinois: Legal Or Illegal?
No Front License Plate In Illinois: Legal Or Illegal?
Don't get people started on license plate laws, either here in Illinois or anywhere else across the country. A bunch of states demand that you have a front plate, while almost an equal number don't. So, which camp is Illinois in, and why can't all 50 states agree on this?