Living in Illinois means you see squirrels a lot, but have you ever seen one with white fur and red eyes?

If you live in Olney, Illinois, you answer might actually be yes! That is considering Olney, Illinois is known as "Home of The White Squirrel". They are known as the "Albino Squirrels of Olney" and they are incredibly well taken care of by the small town.

So let's start from the beginning, why are there so many albino squirrels in this small Illinois town? Well, apparently in the 1900's they were bred and the population just kind of sky rocketed from there. According to the 2020 squirrel count, there were approximately 93 albino squirrels in Olney last year. That's compared to 2019 where there were only 40.

If you live in Olney, you know not to mess with these highly protected critters. The Olney website details -

  • Squirrels are protected in the City of Olney, causing them harm in any way is unlawful .  Squirrels are granted right-of-way on all streets as well as sidewalks.  Fines for violation of the squirrel protection laws can be as much as $750 per offense.

The albino squirrel love doesn't stop there. Their website is FILLED with stuff. From the history, to count results, to facts and souvenirs, there's plenty of ways to fully embrace the home of the white squirrel.

I can't imagine seeing one of these things in person. I am one of those people who find squirrels really cute, so I honestly don't think I'd find the albino ones any less cute.

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