Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton. Ken Bone. They're the three names that will be etched into our minds in the 2016 presidential election and three names you're probably sick of by now.

Trump and Clinton aren't disappearing from the limelight just yet, but Bone's time in the sun will set quicker than you can say "rigged election" (as Chewbacca Mom happily reminded him). In a video he made with IZOD, appropriately titled "Ken Bone's Fifteenth Minute," everyone's favorite red sweater-wearing undecided voter reminds people to head out to the polls and let their voice be heard in the upcoming election.

Yes, Bone, much to the chagrin of those people who want to be him, will soon be headed back to private life and we'll all be left to pick up the pieces after enduring an election that is testing the very limits of our sanity and mental health.

The clock is ticking. Thanks for the memories, Ken. We'll miss you.

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