Rockford Adult Softball Leagues Registration Begins Today
One of the things I love about the start of Spring and Summer is baseball. There's just something about baseball that takes me back to my childhood years. Playing a few games at the park, going to games with family, and having a catch with my dad. Baseball was something that always had fun memories attached. You can keep those memories going!
Starting today, The Rockford Park District Spring/Summer adult slo-pitch softball leagues begins registration. Slo-pitch softball is a great way to get out and be active while doing something fun with a team. Sure, some teams take the games seriously and some take the post game more seriously, but whichever you prefer, here's your chance to have some fun this year.
It's a 14 game season that begins the week of April 14th and includes an end-of-season tournament. All games are scheduled to play at Mercyhealth Sportscore One & Two. If you get your team registered by Match 20th, it's $465 per team. After March 20th it will be $520. Registration closes April 3rd if the capacity has not been reached sooner. Grab all the details at Rockford Park District. The Rockford Park District has a lot of different leagues you can sign up for too! Whether you want slo-pitch softball or family wiffle ball leagues, they offer a huge selection to choose from. See them all HERE.
Now all that's left is coming up with a fun team name!