Real Or Fake Autograph, Find Out By An Expert At Rockford Event
Find out by an expert at Rockford event if autographs are real or fake.
My Person Autograph Collection
Collecting autographs is a hobby of mine. I stick will stars from my favorite sports teams and Rock bands that I enjoy listening to.
I started when I was a kid. I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago and was a big fan of the teams in the area. My parents would take me to signings all the time. They were usually at some sort of business to help bring in customers.
Back in those days, they were all free. Nowadays, if you have to pay to get them. The Superstars are really expensive and only available at special events.
In my years of collecting, I have only paid for a couple of events to get autographs. Also, the majority of my signed items, I got myself. A handful were gifts.
I also started getting items signed by Rock bands at in-store signing events at local record stores. Now, the bands sell that stuff on their websites.
Serious Collectors
I consider myself a casual autograph collector. I know people who are very serious. They will pay big bucks to ensure getting the ones that are needed to complete their collection.
I also know some fans that will camp out outside stadiums, arenas, and clubs for the chance to grab a signature.
Autograph Collecting Is Big Business
The internet and auctions sites like eBay turned autograph collecting into big business. The prices have gone through the roof but the buyer beware.
It is sad to say, but many fakes are trying to get passed off as real in the industry.
That brings out the question if you do not personally get an autograph yourself, how do you know if it is real or a fake.
Is An Autograph Real Or Fake
Well, of course, there are experts out there whose job is to determine if a signature is authentic. That is the only true way to find out.
When you attend an official autograph signing, they will usually have one on hand to do it on the spot. If you ever plan on selling the items, it would be a must to get the full value of the memorabilia.
Before you ever purchase a pre-signed item, make sure it includes a certificate of authenticity. That way you are covered if it is questioned.
How To Get A Certificate Of Authenticity
If you do not have one, what is the best way to get it? Well, there are plenty of experts out there to help you with this step of collecting.
Most of the time, you have to deal with them through the internet but there is an opportunity coming up in Rockford.
According to the GQ Sports Facebook page,
"JSA-James Spence Authentication will be at GQ Sports at CherryVale Mall on Saturday, August 28th, 2021 from 10 am to 4 pm authenticating autographs. Check out www.spenceloa.com for pricing. Contact GQ Sports for event information. 815-988 7899."
If you have any autographed items that you have in question, I suggest checking out this event. GQ has hosted many big signings in their history, so you can trust the expert they are bringing in for the event.
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