Peeps Plant Goes on Strike
Easter is a ways off, but it looks like we may need to find another way to get a sugar buzz next year.
According to ABC27 400 workers at a marshmallow Peeps plant in Bethlehem, PA have gone on strike. Oh the humanity!!
Not only does this place produce Peeps, but also Hot Tamales and Mike and Ike candies. Whoa, now those are fighting words!!
What if locally Sugar Jones workers went on strike, how would the Forrest City survive? These are the things that should make national and even world news. Campaign trail, sure. No Peeps for Easter next year because of a worker strike, that should dominate the headlines and 5,6, and 10.
The strike at the Peeps plant is all about protesting the company’s proposals on wages, health benefits and switching from a pension plan to a 401(k). The Peeps makers have been working with an expired contract since June.
Can't we all just get along? Let's come together on this Bethlehem, PA there are millions of kids and adults counting on you. How many Peeps can you stuff in your mouth is an annual tradition for some, don't let us down.