KCRA in Sacramento, CA, has some damage control to do after a cameraman didn't know they went live to his camera, or that his microphone was on.

The employee was sent to report on a large grass fire in Sacramento for the station's Facebook Page. The video switched to his camera, and his private phone conversation suddenly became audible for anyone watching the live stream.


Warning: NSFW Language


He jokes around with the person on the phone about the size of an unknown guy's - we'll say it sounds like they're talking about his "clock."

Then, the guy tells his friend he hates his job. Live on his job's live stream to hundreds of people. He goes on to explain how he drove 2 hours to record someone unloading chickens they "saved from Iowa." Whatever that means.

I can't help but think the guy sounds like Champ Kind from Anchorman.

Another Twitter user pointed out that this is not the first gaff by the station. Last month, one of their reporters went live from her bathroom to talk about hair stylists, and her showering husband was seen in the background of a reflection.

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