We can't all be in the financial stratosphere that only drinks the rarest and most expensive beers on the market. Sometimes/all the time/once in a while, you want to save a couple of bucks and still have something good.

That's where cheap, or to phrase it better, inexpensive beer comes in.

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The Newly Released TOP Data Beer Report Took The Top Cheap Beers By State And Put Them Up On A Map

While our focus is on Illinois and maybe a couple of our Midwestern neighbors, TopAgency.com has the results for the entire country, listing each state's top 5 favorites when it comes to cheap, or inexpensive beers.

If you're like me, when you see the names of some of the beers, you might not necessarily describe them as being cheap. Let's start with Illinois' pick (according to the TOP Data Beer Report) as overall favorite:

Goose Island, Facebook
Goose Island, Facebook

Budweiser Is Number One In 23 States, But Comes In At #2 In Illinois

Bud Light also did well across the country, but it's the #4 here in the Land of Lincoln. TOP Data Beer Report says these are our state's top 5:

Goose Island

Goose Island, Facebook
Goose Island, Facebook


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Stella Artois

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Bud Light

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Wisconsin's List Is Very Close To Illinois, Except For Their Pick For #1

Wisconsin, routinely labeled as the drunkest state in the Union, prefers this beer as their overall favorite:

New Glarus Brewing, Facebook
New Glarus Brewing Co, Facebook
New Glarus Brewing Co, Facebook
New Glarus Brewing Co, Facebook

New Glarus Brewing Co's Spotted Cow is the big winner in Wisconsin, followed by

  • Budweiser
  • Bud Light
  • Heineken
  • Stella Artois

Click here to check out the map of the favorites in the cheap beer category across the country.

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