Crime Rate Drops Near Marijuana Dispensaries
In states where marijuana is legal, crime went down near dispensaries.
There are many questions that have come up with the legalization of marijuana in Illinois. One of the big ones is "how will it affect crime?" Well, here's your answer.
According to chicago.suntimes.com,
"New research shows crime rates dropped substantially in areas with marijuana dispensaries, running counter to fears that pot shops drum up crime. The results imply that an additional dispensary in a neighborhood leads to a reduction of 17 crimes per month per 10,000 residents, which corresponds to roughly a 19 percent decline. Illinois State University criminology professor Ralph Weisheit said the results could be “magnified in Illinois.” That’s because the state’s pot law prioritizes criminal justice and social equity and encourages the hiring of people from “economically-impoverished neighborhoods."
Another good reason to have legalized recreational weed in Illinois.
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