My 2nd Pfizer Shot Down on Sandy Hollow Road and What Happened After
Yesterday I received my second Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine. A lot has been made of the second shot and the reactions to it, so I thought I would give you play-by-play incase you might be having second thoughts.
After my first shot I posted my "why" I got the vaccine and it was met by a bunch of "Keyboard Warriors" and their conspiracy theories...We are all entitled to our opinions, just make sure you help mom clean up the basement you live in, thanks.
If you have questions, this is a great website that answers basically everything. How are they authorized and approved for use? How do they keep us safe? Why is there more than one type of vaccine? No dumb questions here, it all makes sense. ANSWERS
11:50am Arrived no wait at all, walked in and was greeted by a guy that wanted to see my card and the confirmation email. He sent me to table 10. At table 10 my ID was checked and also my card was checked again.
11:55am Sat down with a nurse names Nicole who looked at my email and took my card. She gave me my second COVID-19 injection and a band aid.
11:56am Sat down in the waiting area, you are required to sit for fifteen minutes following the shot.
12:11pm Nothing weird, no soreness or anything...unlike JB Love down the hall at the country station that complained of arm soreness for hours because of the tiny needle.
2pm Had some almonds and peanut butter pretzels as a snack, no reactions yet. People have complained about everything from headaches, to fatigue, even chills. Nothing.
4pm Hungry again, still no side effects, just hungry.
6:30pm Right elbow hurts (unrelated, tendonitis is so annoying)
7:00pm Still flying high, feeling like I'm in the clear on this.
8:00pm Well I guess dinner and drinks at The Rock in Beloit is a go.
9:15pm No reactions to the 2nd Pfizer spot.
LOOK: Answers to 30 common COVID-19 vaccine questions