'Iron' Mike Ditka. Da Coach. Mr. Football. I made that last one up, but still. Mike Ditka personifies the sport of football. There has been a lot of focus in recent years on the dangers of the sport. Long term side effects of hitting and being hit, multiple concussions and general wear and tear on bones, muscles and ligaments are becoming more apparent. There have been numerous people who have come out lately to say that they would not let their sons play the sport because of the risks. Even President Obama said that, but I've seen him throw a ball before. Let's just say he does so about as good as my mother. So, I didn't really listen. However, it was what I read today that has made me really think about it.

I had the once in a lifetime opportunity a few years back to host an event that featured Coach Ditka and some of the players from the championship 1985 Chicago Bears. It was surreal for me. When it was over, I followed Coach down the short 3-4 step staircase that led from the stage to the room's floor. It was painfully obvious that he was a hurting unit. I hardly know his medical history, but I do think I remember that he has had hip replacement surgery.

Today, the Weekly Standard has a blog that quotes Mike Ditka as saying the following when asked if he would let his son play football by Bryant Gumbel,

“Nope. That's sad. I wouldn't. And my whole life was football. I think the risk is worse than the reward. I really do.”

That was a shock to read. Both of my sons have played football and I didn't question whether or not to let them play, but reading that quote from the Coach has got me wondering now. Interestingly, the show that Ditka was on was focusing on drug use by the 1985 Bears team. There are reports that some players were using excessive painkillers and narcotics to get back into the game that season. A few years ago, Bears great and '85 team member Dave Duerson committed suicide and left a note asking that his brain be "given to the NFL's brain bank" to see if he suffered from disease that affects football players.

What do you think? Would you think twice before letting your son play football?


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